Pokemon: catch a Poliwag for good measure
From Create Your Own Story
It's an easy use of Boltie. You give him a berry. You then leave the pond, and.....
Pichu: (female) Hp: 31 Att: 16 Def: 16 Sp Att: 22 Spd: 22 |Health=99%|Level 13} Special Attacks: Thundershock, Tail Whip, Wave Lightning, Charm
Pidgey: (female) Hp: 20 Att: 13 Def: 11 Sp Att: 11 Spd: 14 |Health=100%|Level 9} Special Attacks: Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack
Rattata: (male) Hp: 14 Att: 10 Def: 7 Sp Att: 5 Spd: 10 |Health=100%|Level 5} Special Attacks: Tail Whip
Squirtle: (male) Hp: 22 Att: 11 Def: 10 Sp Att: 14 Spd: 12 |Health=100%|Level 9} Special Attacks: Bubble, Tail Whip
Poliwag: (male) Hp: 15 Att: 7 Def: 10 Sp Att: 10 Spd: 8 |Health=80%|Level 6} Special Attacks: Bubble, water Sport, Hypnosis
Pokeballs: 5 Potions: 6 Oran Berries: 10 Sitris Berries: 6 Pecha berries: 6 Cheri berries: 1 Rawst berries: 1
Money: $565:33
Ribbons: 1, Viridian