Place it discretly in public and see what happens

From Create Your Own Story

You walk out into the kitchen, the cup of piss in your hand. Rochelle is at the stove, cooking you your breakfast, and Stacy is sitting at the kitchen table, drink her morning coffee. All of a sudden, a sly idea pops into your head. Neither of them have noticed you, so you sneak up behind Stacy and switch her cup of coffee for your cup of piss. You step back out of the kitchen and come back in, making them think it's the first time you entered.

"Good morning cunts." you say cheerfully.

"Good morning master!" replies Stacy enthusiastically. You sit at the table, opposite Stacy, and wait in anticipation. Stacy takes the cup, unaware, and takes a long drink. She closes her eyes, a look of ecstasy on her face, and moans into the cup. She lowers the cup from her lips.

"This isn't coffee, this is piss!" she says. She takes the cup and drinks the rest greedily. "Thank you so much Master!"

"May I drink some of your piss Master?" Rochelle chimes in.

A second later, Stephanie rushes into the kitchen.

"Are you talking about Master's piss?" she asks, "Oh Master, if you let me have some, I'll do that thing with my ass that you really like!"

"Alright sluts, I'll let you drink my piss." The three of them crowd around and kneel in front of you, mouths open. You muster up all the piss you can and shoot it into their waiting mouths. Once all their mouths are full, you step back and appreciate your handiwork. They cum-swap your piss amongst each other and, when you command, they drink every last drop. All three open wide and stick out their tongues, showing you that they drank it all.

"Thank you Master!" they say in unison.

"Can we drink your piss everyday?" asks Stacy, "We'll be your personal toilet"

"Sure," you reply, "As long as all three of you are kneeling and open mouthed at the end of my bed every morning."

The three of them giggle, all anticipating tomorrow morning. Now, with your full bladder taken care of, you decide to:

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