Piggy's Day/Try and find signs to navigate with

From Create Your Own Story

Marine: "Hey, there's a guide right here!"

You turn around to see an enourmous board with all the notable locations of Hell. There's even an arrow saying: "You are here" and another arrow, showing an elevator to the overworld.

Piggy: "Hey, there really is a way up."

Captain: "It'll be a miracle if we won't get caught. We have to remember the route. Marine, you'll have to remember the way to this large mountain of skulls, I'll remember the way to this chasm of giant skeletons, and Piggy, you'll remember the way to the rivers of lava."

Marine: "Gotcha."

Piggy: "Right."

You head off for the mountain of skulls nearby. As you get closer you see that the mountain has grown a lot since the map was drawn. It's at least 4 kilometers high, and it looks like the top hits the ceiling. However, the ledge that leads to the chasm of giant skeletons is well above the ground that you're on now.

Will you:

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