Pi Pi Pi/Go back to your locker and put on your uniform

From Create Your Own Story

You don't want the whole team to see you naked, so you decide to put your uniform on before anyone else gets there. You leave the showers and walk back to your locker. Immediately, the guy sitting the bench notices you. It makes you hot to feel his eyes on you. Almost without thinking, you bend over at the waist, giving him a great view of your pussy. You slowly take your uniform from your locker before you stand back up. Turned on by the obvious stares, you decide to leave your pussy exposed a bit longer. You pull the shirt over your head, but, as you pull the shirt on, you realize that it's way too tight for you. You're not sure that you can get it over your big tits. You keep pulling for a second. Then you get an idea.

"Excuse me," you say turning to face the guy sitting on the bench. Can you help me with this shirt? I can't seem to get it on."

The guy seems stunned, but manages to mumble, "Oh. Okay."

"Here. I'll stand on the bench and lift my arms, and you pull," you say as you stand up on the bench. The guys eyes are exactly level with your bare tits, and he can't take his eyes off of your tits. He reaches up to grab your shirt.

What happens?

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing


Rules 1-4
Fucks 0
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