Ongoing Story/Take notes like a good boy

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 11: The real facts about sexual organs

She continues to play footsies with you under the table for a little longer and then rises to her feet, "Stop drawing for a moment." She says, "Let's take a look at one of the diagrams. We'll start with the vagina. Tom.... Tell us about the vagina."

"Sure." You smile, "One of my favorite parts of the female anatomy. A great place to visit, not to mention admire. Tastes good. It's one of those things that if a guy doesn't get once in a while, he'd die for lack of. Frankly I consider it one of the most incredible pleasure giving devices available to mankind. I fully recommend that every one have access to one."

"Is that all?" Miss Bridges smiles in amusement.

"Oh! Plus it's involved in the reproduction process!"

"At least we got that bit of information out of you!"'

"Well you know how it is... You originally come from a vagina when your born and you spend the rest of your life trying to get back in."

The class bursts out laughing and so does Miss Bridges. "Well." She says, "Maybe you do, but my quest is for something else."

"Really?" You smile.

"Get your mind out of the gutter!" She smiles. "It seems you have more to learn about the female anatomy than you let on. Maybe some extra tutoring after class is what's needed?"

She moves to the next diagram, "Tom. Why don't you tell us about the penis now?"

"Well Miss Bridges, penises are not generally a subject guys like me talk about if you know what I mean. Frankly all that concerns me on the subject is who mine's going into next, if you know what I'm saying."

Smiling Miss Bridges moves up to your desk. She looks down at your notes and at the pictures of naked women you have been drawing. "Mmmmm. Very artistic Tom. In fact, I think I will check everyone's drawings."

She bends down so that you can see right down her top and writes something underneath your diagrams. She then straightens up, gives you a wink and moves to the next desk. You look down at what she has written.

Her note reads.......

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