Ongoing Story/"You fucking bitch! You betrayed me not once, but TWO FUCKING TIMES!"

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 25: Elena's story

"You fucking bitch! You betrayed me not once, but TWO FUCKING TIMES! I don't know why I decided to trust you again after last time. Why should I ever trust you, or speak to you, or do anything with you ever again? Why should I even let you live?"

"Please, Kayla. I have no good answer to that. Let me at least explain myself to you. You probably won't allow me to stay with you, or ever respect me again, but I want the truth to finally be known.

"I am, in all senses of the word, an opportunist. I care little for law or chaos, good or evil. I will use whatever means are necessary to gain what I can for myself, and try to step on as few people as I can in the process. Unfortunately, Kayla, you managed to get stepped on twice by me, and for that I am sorry." You feel the rage grow in your body, and it takes all the will power you have combined with your fatigue from the previous battle to stop you.

Elena continues, "Anyway, with this in mind, let me explain my past. Once I was of age to understand sex, I learned of my father's weird habits. He really isn't a bad man, except for his pathetic obsession over women. Anyway, about two or three years ago, I confronted him about his lifestyle and he invited me to participate. It really was great, I had some really great sex, as you can imagine. And some very interesting sex, too." Your face shudders with revulsion. "I could go into detail, but I'm going to make a long story short.

"Eventually, about a year ago, Luhrash showed up at the castle. He's very likable, as I'm sure you noticed. The Duke liked him immediately, and it wasn't long before he was the Duke's right hand man. It's probably because he's gorgeous, and very irresistible, except when he's about to kill you." You smirk at this, because he did entice you a little bit, at least before the demons surprised you. Thinking about him causes you to miss a few words - "...decided to see what he was like in bed. He was the best male sex I've ever had. He's huge, and he knows how to use it. Anyway, I became infatuated with him. He even got me to betray my own father. The Duke is probably in your old cell by this point." Elena starts weeping softly.

You finally calm down enough to ask Elena a cohesive question. "So now it all makes some amount of sense...except for why you betrayed Luhrash to me. What can I possibly give you?"

"Please, allow me to finish my story. Where was I...ah now I remember. So I had just fallen for Luhrash. That went along very well, I had sex with Luhrash about once a day, and Luhrash spent most of his time getting the guards to turn their loyalties over to him, instead of directly to the Duke. Things were going just great for myself, and Luhrash. The Duke was totally oblivious to everything. Then, one day, you showed up, just like any other thief. You know most of that story, until the week that you spent unconscious." A week?, you think. "Luhrash was just about coming to the climax of his gaining control. Li'a here was about to give in, and Luhrash was about ready to overthrow the Duke. Anyway, the night you arrived, as I slept I had the strangest dream. I was naked in a world of blackness and evil, raging with pure destruction. There was no sun in the sky, only Luhrash's face staring down and laughing. Anyway, eventually I saw you walking towards me out of the distance. As you walked closer, the things around me started to calm down, and the air brightened. Grass and other plants started to grow around me. It seemed to take forever for you to reach me, but when you did I was in a glen not to different from this one with the sun shining overhead. For the first time since you arrived, my soul finally felt at peace. You walked up to me, kissed me on the forehead, and placed your hand on my chest. I placed my hands on yours. At that moment, I woke up. The dagger was sitting on my chest." You feel yourself finally starting to believe Elena. You doubt even she could come up with a story like this on the fly.

"That morning, Luhrash called me in to discuss what to do with you. I was still trying to decide what the dream was about, but I didn't mention it to Luhrash. I didn't show my conflict to him, so as not to worry him, but I was trying to decide what to do. I decided that the dagger was probably left by one of the guards, trying to be a secret admirer or something. I didn't want to give up the power that Luhrash offered. And his cock.

"Anyway, you know the rest."

"So why did you betray me at all?"

"Well, I didn't actually decide to betray Luhrash until you were actually getting raped. A growing sense of caring for you had built over that week, but it was difficult for me to give up Luhrash. I think that dagger has some weird powers that I don't understand. Anyway, I decided that I loved you, and that all I had ever felt for Luhrash was lust, and that you were someone I could enjoy and love, and perhaps be truly happy with."

"So what just happened now?" You ask.

"I honestly don't know, Kayla. I doubt that Luhrash would let us go that easily. Perhaps Luhrash tried to kill us, but the dagger somehow saved us. Or maybe-" Her words are cut off my by the sound of moaning behind you. You suddenly realize that this moaning has been going on for awhile, but you were too engrossed in Elena's story to notice it. You turn around, and you see Li'a lying on the ground, curled up into a ball moaning, and saying "Girls...please...I need...please..."

You turn to look at Elena and say,

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