Ongoing Story\Leave the city, looking for adventure elsewhere

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 5: Nice walk in the woods

So you leave the city, and go forth into the wide wide world... well, you go in to the forest anyway. You spend your first day slowly making your way over the bumpy terrain. The forest is not that thick, as sun light shines on you trough the canopy of trees above. There is some limited wild life, most monsters stay away from the city, and most other animals stay away for fear of being hunted. You move on always to the east, you would like to make it to Ural, but that would mean passing trough the Trojan woods, which is famous for its invading plant life, and condom production. After what seems like only a few hours you notice the sun is starting to set, its not a big problem considering you have above standard night vision, but there is also heavy clouds starting to roll in, which could block out any like the stars would other wise provide. You finally decide...

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