Ongoing Story\Eats his testicles - tossing everything else

From Create Your Own Story

Next she carefully cuts open his scrotum and turns it inside out exposing his kiwi sized nuts.

She cuts them free and sucks one into her mouth and begins chewing it up, placing the other on a napkin for later.

Someone bangs on the door.

"Almost done," she says.

She removes large muscles and muscle groups tossing them to the hungry hole in the wall and then lifts the lightened torso up onto the toilet.

She slices the belly open and his intestines fall out and are sucked from the plane.

She rips out his heart and lungs, taking a bite of his heart before tossing it.

More banging on the door.

"I'm going as fast as I can," she yells through the door.

With his torso empty she starts cutting the tissue between ribs and with difficulty snapping them off, along with shoulder bones, clavicle, etc. until his spine and pelvis remain.

She separates the spine from the pelvis and slides it out the hole and jams his pelvis through, amazed that it fit.

She then mops up the mess with napkins and washes everything down with wet napkins, finding extra ones in a small cabinet, tossing all out the convenient disposal chute.

She washes her clothes in the sink, ringing them out as much as possible and puts them on wet.

She looks around at the cubicle and...

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