Office Domme\Comment on how pretty she is

From Create Your Own Story

"My my," you say, your voice husky as you give your assistant a once over. "You're looking particularly beautiful tonight, Bre."

You smile as you see her cheeks flush red, her gaze fixed on your feet. You also see her mouth perk into a smile. It reminds you of why you took her in those few months ago, when that stupid fuckhead of a VP was getting ready to fire her. You saw her potential, and fired the VP instead. It didn't hurt that you also used the unread clause in his executive contract to transfer all of his salaries and bonuses to Breanne.

There had only been one condition... she would be yours, for as long as she stayed with the company. It had started out awkwardly, but she had quickly learned her place. And you... well, you had fallen hard in love. Not that you'd outright tell her, of course. However, you knew that Bre had deep affection for you as well

With powerful grace, your heels clicking with authority on the marble flooring, you walk up to your servant, a hand, with perfectly manicured nails, stroking at her cheek. Your heart swells as she sighs, closes her eyes, and leans her cheek into your palm, kissing the heel gently.

"My pretty girl," you whisper. You look down at the files she is still clutching to her chest... and that delicious cleavage...

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