Meet Hikaru in the back alley after school

From Create Your Own Story

You stand by the wall of the alleyway. You're exhausted. You feel as if all the blood from your body is draining out even though you have not shed a single drop. Your body aches, thirsty for something... something to keep you alive. You have been living on soul energy for a long time. You don't remember how long. All you know is you don't remember the taste of food. You live off of soul energy converted by your master, the tree, into life particles.

"Hey, babe."

Hikaru's voice breaks you from your trance. You turn around to see him, feeling a bit startled at how deeply you were engrossed in your thoughts.

"What's up?" Hikaru asks you.

He stands right next to you, leaning against the concrete. His green eyes glitter in the sunlight and his long brown hair hangs over his pale hairless face.

"Not much. Just here," you reply.

"Something wrong?" he asks. "You look tired. Well, I'm going to take a walk downtown, not much else to do around here."

He nods his head, indicating that you should follow him. You feel a thrill of excitement. You've been too focused on survival to think about how beautiful you are. But then you remember your mission, and why you haven't made friends before now.

You keep killing people.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Can I come?" you reply.

"No shit," he answers, with a smirk.

"Um... Your friends came up to me the other day..." you start

"They're a bunch of pussies." He looks away and continues on. "Sorry about that... We just get each other's back somtimes, you know"


You chat and walk down for a while. Walking doesn't seem that bad with him. You realize that you've gone strangely shy, and realize that he's probably noticed, too.

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