MKOT Head over to the Allan residence?

From Create Your Own Story

It's been quite a few years since you've been over to visit the Allan residence, they were always good people but you remember them being slightly....err...chubby? Yea that's a good word for it, just a bit of extra weight. But out of all the families you knew in your neighborhood they definitely seemed to be one of the most tame, though looks can be deceiving.

You wait around for a moment after knocking on the door to have it opened up by Mr.Allan, who honestly looks about the same as you remember him, as far as his weight is concerned. "Oh? Hey Brad, what brings you to this part of the neighborhood?", he asks you in a bit of a surprised tone after not seeing you in so long. Wasting no time you quickly get down to the brass tacks of why you're there, which seems to perplex him a bit as he appears to be thinking of something you could do to help out around the house. He then asks you a question that really made you nervous for some reason.

"Hey, you're in good shape right?" - "Uh, yea I suppose I am...I was on the swim team in high school" - "That's great! I think I got an idea for what you could do. C'mon lets go find the Mrs."

With that, Mr.Allan led you inside his home and.....down to...his...basement? Oh god this isn't it to late to run away? Your irrational growing fears are quickly dispersed when you hear the soft hum of someone walking on a treadmill. Your eyes fall upon Mrs.Allan, dressed in a black sports bra, black spanx shorts, and white tennis shoes. And holy crap was she in good shape compared to her husband, the woman you remember was completely gone and what was left was this athlete of a MILF. Small breasts, flat stomach, firm looking ass and legs that could walk for miles. Glancing back at Mr.Allan, he now looked much worse in your eyes when in comparison to his wife. It's too bad they couldn't get in shape together...guess for one reason or another her simply didn't or couldn't.

"Babe! I think I found a solution to our problem!", Mr.Allan called out a little loudly as we walked over towards her. Mrs.Allan glanced over to see us before turning the treadmill off and stepping down onto the ground. Now that you are closer you can see that she is covered in sweat and her legs are visibly trembling, shit, she must have been walking for quite some time. "Hi Bradley, its been a while", she said with a smile.

"Ya, and I can see you've been doing good, you're in great shape!", I told her honestly which caused her to blush a bit, probably not used to being complimented by a young guy.

"Isn't she? Though she doesn't seem to be able to get any stronger, and that's why I think you could help us by being a sort of personal trainer for us.", Mr.Allan said as you looked to his wife for confirmation. A simple agreeing nod of her head was all she gave about her lack of muscle growth. "You see, I've been trying to better myself like her but I just lack the motivation. We have been discussing a personal trainer for me but between the cost and the need to go down to the gym, I wasn't sold on the idea."

The three of you chat for a moment about all the little details about the plan and what they have been doing or trying to do to get in shape. Eventually Mrs.Allan spoke up in a bit of questioning protest.

"Are we sure this is a good choice? I mean, he's so young and doesn't really have any experience in the matter." she said softly, simply expressing her concerns. Which is fine to you, no harm no foul. Though her husband quickly defends you and tells her what you told him about being on the swim team for four years. This seems to spark her curiosity and partially lay to rest her fear, when she asks to see. You think you know what she means so you casually pull your shirt up to show off your thin and slightly muscled body to the both of them. Mrs.Allan's eyes seem to light up at the sight of your body as her husband starts to talk again.

"See honey? I told you he is a good choice for us, and he is going to be way cheaper than some 'official' trainer.", Mrs.Allan still seemed to be a bit nervous about the whole thing even after the positive reaction she had to your body. But she eventually backs down from her concerns and agrees to the plan. At which point the three of you begin to discuss how a possible schedule could work and they ask you about anything they should start doing now. To which you tell Mrs.Allan that she needs to start to consume more protein and you explain to her how it is great for building muscle. You tell Mr.Allan that he should start doing workouts that focus on cardio, and you make a suggestion that he could hop on a very light dietary supplement. Just as Mrs.Allan was worried about, you don't know too much about giving advice for them but these seemed like some good starting points for them.

Once everything was settled and you gave a bit more advice and tips on how to get started, the three you head back upstairs and towards the front door. Mr.Allan led, followed by his wife, and then followed by you. This gave you a great chance to check out Mrs.Allan's ass as she went up the stairs, you stayed close enough to her to smell a bit of her sweat mixed perfume aroma. You notice her plain white panties to be somewhat visible through the spanx material. Beautiful. On the way to the front door you take a final look around at their home, it was nice, not perfectly clean nor dirty. It seemed like a very....average home from what little you could see of it.

You say goodbye to the optimistic couple and start to head out after Mrs.Allan gives you a final message.

"Hope to see you soon, don't work us too hard!"

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