MAFV : No one saw you kidnap Jessica. You drive away without any problem.

From Create Your Own Story

At any moment, you expect to hear a siren, expect to see blue and red lights. Your heart is in your mouth as you drive out of the alley and onto the closest freeway exit.

But despite your fears, no one stops you. You see no police cars. By the time you reach the suburbs, you are beginning to get excited. You are going to get away with this.

It's a long drive to your cabin, but you make it without stopping. From the freeway, you go on county blacktops until they end. Then you drive down dirt roads, and trails until you reach your cabin. You pull to a stop and get out of the car. It's still dark, although the sky is starting to get lighter to the east. You open your trunk to check on Jessica. As you do, you think about the fact that you haven't heard a peep from her all trip. You'd expect her to be kicking the side of the car and screaming as loudly as she can through her gag. Perhaps she's not a fighter.

"Hello again," you say to the bound and terrified woman who looks up at you. "Have a nice trip?"

"Mmmmmphf mmm," she says in reply, shaking her head.

"That's good." You lift her out of the trunk and carry her into the cabin.

At one corner of the cabin is a small closet. You place Jessica in it. Hanging from a metal ring in the ceiling is a length of chain. You loop this around her neck, snugly but not tightly enough to strangle her, and secure it with a padlock.

"There's a bucket in the corner," you tell Jessica. "I know it's small, and not very comfortable, but it's the best I can offer you."

You step away from the closet once Jessica is secured. "Try and get a good night's sleep," you tell her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Mmmmphp mmpaj grgz," Jessica says, but you close the door on her protests.

You lock the door and go to bed. Tomorrow's going to be a long day, and you want to be fresh for it.

What happens?:

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