Lie about any change and say, “No, mom, you’re as beautiful as ever.”

From Create Your Own Story

She smiles at you and sits down. “You’re too nice to me, Brandon. Your dad could learn a thing or two from you about how to talk to a woman.”

You pale a little at that in surprise. Your primary goal, at least so far, has been to sculpt Jessica into the perfect companion- rapidly growing in all the right places, uninhibited by notions of dignity or responsibility, and eventually turned on by her own debauchery. Ruining her household has always been secondary to that- that doesn’t make it unwelcome. In fact, Jessica’s remark about your father, who now works 16 hours a day 7 days a week, shows just how blind to everyone else she is! *perfect,* you think.

But a few days later, the final strand of her inhibitions presents itself. You wake up to her having a loud argument with your father over a credit card bill- the card has been maxed out to five digits. Your mother turns to you, tears in her eyes, and drops the phone, cutting him off mid sentence. “Honey, we might have to stop eating out all the time.”

You feign honest surprise and go to hug her, enjoying another face full of cleavage as you do- but mentally you think about how to break this last vestige of your mom’s maturity. You can’t exactly push the father to work more- your demonic abilities are completely focused on shaping Jessica’s lovely curves and keeping her appetite ridiculously high, and if he worked much more than he currently does you doubt he’d make it more than a week.

You could always visit his superiors and put the fear of satan into them; a raise would give the poor cuckold a break and give you more flexibility in stuffing your mom’s face all the time. Of course, destroying his life is one of the reasons you possessed his son in the first place; ruining lives is the ultimate goal of any demon, along with converting innocent souls like Jessica to demonhood. Maybe you should lean into the debt, tell Jessica it will all be ok, and spend even more?

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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