Leave the dollar in Cherry's g-string

From Create Your Own Story

You leave the dollar in Cherry's G-string, and she gives you a smile and a boob shake. You grin up at her and take out a five-dollar bill. She pulls her G-string out and you add the fiver to the dollar you already gave her.

"I think you like me," she whispers, her eyes locked on the bulge in your pants.

"You think correctly," you murmur, managing to lift your eyes away from Cherry's fabulous breasts for an instant to make eye contact.

Cherry pulls her G-string again, and this time you put a $10 bill in. "Meet me by the back door in half an hour," Cherry purrs. "That's when my shift ends." With that, she dances away over the stage.

You enjoy the next half-hour, then slip to the back door. Cherry has changed back into her regular clothes. She still looks magnificent.

"We can do a fast 69 back here," Cherry husks, pointing to a mattress lying out behind the club, in the shadow of the overhanging roof. "Or if you can hold off for 15 minutes, I can take you home with me and we can spend all night together."

Health {{{Health}}} Identity:

Jack Foster, High School Senior

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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