Kiss Jill's perky breasts and wrap your arms around her

From Create Your Own Story

You adjust your body position so that you can kiss along Jill's cleavage. Jill purrs and her body shivers as you wrap your arms around her and pull her close. Jill's arms lock around your head as you latch onto one of her nipples and suckle. "Ooooh, Holly," she whispers. "You're so good.... don't stop..."

You slide one of your hands down Jill's back, then move it to her shapely rear. Jill giggles slightly as you caress her butt while continuing to suckle her breasts. Her hands begin exploring your very tall, very slim body.

It isn't long before Jill has you quite horny. You quiver and let out a soft moan from around Jill's nipple.

"Isn't girl love wonderful?" comes the voice of Jill's older sister, Katy. You lift your mouth off Jill's chest and turn your head. Katy and Jessica are standing naked in the room watching you and Jill.

"Maybe you'd like to join us," Jessica giggles. "We'll be in Katy's room." They turn and shimmy off, wiggling their naked bodies sexily.

Jill looks at you. "What do you think, Holly?"

You are possessing:
Very Tall Brunette Lesbian
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