Keep doing the two boys

From Create Your Own Story

You ignore the voice. Anyway you've got your mouth full. Above you, Jamie is making stammering sounds and trying to free himself from your mouth.

Dennis tries to respond, but you're working him too hard to make easy conversation.

"Zo'... It's good to" Uhhh "...see you..." Unnnngh

You pull Jamie sideways a bit and get a look at Zo.

She's a short teen girl, maybe 17 or so. Short, brown hair, baggy clothes - and a look of complete disgust on her face.

"Who the fuck is this chick?" She turns to go. "Y'know what? I don't even care. Have a nice life."

Jamie croaks out an apology, but you bite him and he can't finish it. Zo storms off towards the main entrance of the cemetery.

Dennis cums loudly and this (and perhaps the biting) make Jamie go soft. Dennis is jubilant. "That was awesome! Let's get some pictures..! Nobody's going to believe this!"

Do you:

You are possessing:
Young, attractive nun
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