Katie convinces this man and one of the girls that they're sisters

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Embarrassed, Nervous, Horny Apparel and Items: Buck Naked, Shaved, Ponytails
Day, Time Saturday, Morning
Need to Use Bathroom Arousal Causing Issues
Level of Humiliation Light-Headed

One of the girls spots Katie from across the room and smiles. She's barefoot but otherwise fully clothed, and also in pigtails. She's either glad to see another girl around all these men or just laughing at Katie's nudity.

"No, umm... there! That's my sister!"


The man looks over as Katie waves to the girl. Thankfully she waves back. Katie breathes a sigh of relief.

The girl says something to her dad then races through the locker room toward them.

"Hi sissy!" Katie calls out as she nears them.

"Hi!" the girl cheerfully replies before giggling and asking, "Why are you naked?"

"I was... getting changed and got lost." Katie kicks herself. What kind of weird ADHD would cause that? She swallows her nerves and continues. "Is dad over there?"

The girl nods sweetly.

"Can you take me to him?"

"Sure!" the girl exclaims, grabbing Katie's hand.

The man smiles, moving back toward his own locker.

"Thanks a lot mister!" Katie shouts as the girl drags her away.

You walk up to a man struggling to get his younger daughter into her swimsuit.

"Daddy, look! I found another girl!"

"That's nice hone-..." Her dad looks up at you, surprised. "Who are you?!"

"I, umm... I work here?"

The man stares at Katie, waiting for her to continue. She rubs her foot against her leg, trying to come up with something, when she notices he isn't wearing a ring.

"I... help... single dad's with their daughters! You know, since we don't have a 'family' change room." Katie had no idea if the park did or didn't, but hoped he believed her.

"Okay, but why are you naked?" the father asked, not entirely convinced.

"It's because... it makes them more comfortable." Katie gestured to his daughters. "So they're not the only naked girl around so many peni-er, men." Katie corrects herself, flustered.

The man sighs and nods. "Thank you. Us single dad's never get enough help. So can you get her changed? I've got this one... maybe," he adds as his youngest writhes about.

"Oh, uh, yes sir!"

The girl she's now been tasked with stares up at her with a toothy grin. She seems about as old as Katie is 'supposed' to be.

"Can you, umm... get undressed?"

"You do it!" the girl shouts. "That's your job, right?"

Katie grudgingly crouches down and unbuttons the girl's pants, lowering them to the floor. The girl at least steps out of them. Katie then hesitantly grabs onto her panties. While she does, the girl bends down and picks up her pants, throwing them a few feet away. Katie first gets her out of her underpants then walks over to grab the thrown clothing. As Katie bends at the waist she feels a small hand smack forcefully against her still sore ass.


The girl laughs and runs back to her father. Katie rubbed her butt cheek. She knew it wasn't small but was it really that inviting of a target?

Wrestling the girl out of her shirt the two now stood in front of each other completely naked. Katie wondered how anyone was supposed to believe that she was the same age as this girl. Besides the pigtails there were some glaring differences!

Katie picked up a tangled one-piece bathing suit resting on the bench next to them. She stood, trying to sort out which hole was the neck, when she felt something poke at her sex!

"Ewww..." the girl whined, pulling her hand away from Katie's still wet labia. "Your crotch is slimy!" she said, wiping her wet fingers against her stomach to dry them.

Katie's eyes opened wide. She dropped down to the floor, stretching the swimsuit open.

"OOOH-kay! Get in this already!"

With an evil smile, the girl leaned forward and grabbed onto each of Katie's breasts as leverage to step into her suit. Katie squeaked and tried to hurriedly pull up on the suit but the girl only had one leg in. Their eyes locked for a moment. The girl watched Katie's expression intently, her pigtails swinging, as she clenched Katie's tits in her hands. The small digits digging into her skin forces Katie to hold her tongue. But this girl wasn't letting go on her own. Desperate, Katie grabbed hold of the young girl's bare ass and squeezed. The girl yelped and let go of Katie, moving forward to get away and coincidentally stepping into her swimsuit. Katie yanked upwards on the suit, sliding it onto the disagreeable girl's thin frame without much more difficulty.

She pushed the still belligerent girl toward her father who was now slipping into his own swimsuit. Katie said nothing as she hurried away, trying to ignore the strange looks being given to her by other nearby fathers.

Having spent more than enough time in there, Katie can finally leave the locker room

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