KOTOR: Bring the soldier to the bed and show him the Jedi way

From Create Your Own Story

You slowly and seductively walk up to the soldier.

"I'm sure everything's okay..." You say, taking his hands. He starts to protest, but you drop that blanket you were using to cover yourself. When he see's you in the light, he stops mid-sentence.

"Ma'am- I,"

"I need your help, soldier." You reach behind him and shut the door and whisper in his ear. "I need you.

You take your tongue and slowly run it around his ear. You hear him groan slightly.

"Ma'am, I-"

You take his hand and bring it down to your wet pussy and insert one of his fingers.

"Oh, fuck. I want you, soldier. Fuck me."

He doesn't bat an eye, but throws off his armor faster than you figured was possible. Standing in front of you is his cock, hard and wet with pre-cum. Do you:

KOTOR: Suck him off

KOTOR: Throw him to the bed and get to work

KOTOR: Who has time? Fuck him now!

You are:
Bastila Shan
Knights of the Old Republic

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