Johnson means business, you reluctantly relent, M

From Create Your Own Story

Your mind raced, desperate for a solution, a way to save Alex without giving in to Johnson's sick game. But as the seconds ticked by, your options seemed to grow slimmer and slimmer. The weight of your decision threatened to crush you, and you found yourself cursing the circumstances that had led you here.

"Alright," you choked out, the word feeling like a betrayal on your tongue. "I understand."

A smug grin spread across Johnson's face, and you knew that he had won this round.

The room seemed to close in on you, suffocating and dark. Your heart pounded like a jackhammer, threatening to burst from your chest as you struggled to control your breathing. You could feel the sweat forming at the base of your neck, trickling down between your shoulder blades.

"Say it," Johnson demanded, his cold eyes boring into you. He gave Alex's hair another rough yank, eliciting a pained whimper.

"Please..." Alex's voice was barely a whisper, strained and broken. It was a sound that would haunt you for the rest of your days.

"Enough!" you shouted, your voice cracking under the strain. The anger and fear boiled inside you, a tempestuous storm you couldn't contain any longer. "Don't hurt him!"

"Ah, there we go," Johnson said, exhaling with satisfaction. You could practically see the strings he held over you, invisible but undeniably present. He had you exactly where he wanted you: powerless, desperate, and at his mercy. You clenched your fists, nails digging into your palms hard enough to draw blood. You hated yourself for giving in, for letting him win, but what choice did you have?

Johnson goes about his punishment uninterrupted

While he thinks he's won, hit him while he's distracted

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