Interrogate Mercurius (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

"Ashley, check the carriage," you say to your partner.

Ashley gives you an annoyed look, but she does her job. Meanwhile, you grab Mercurius by the shoulder and pull him to the side.

"It's all legal!" he protests, as you move him around the side of the city wall, out of your partner's view.

"I want you to tell me right now what's in the back of that carriage," you demand.

Mercurius sighs. He looks back at his carriage, and then back at you.

"I could make it worth you while," he whispers. "Just get her to stop. Anything you want from me. Just let us get through, no questions asked."

Anything, you wonder. Didn't sound like he was talking coin.

"What's in there?" you ask again.

"I'll blow you, sir. Just stop her."

He's dead serious. He looks genuinely worried.

Do you…

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