Insist on bringing Violelle's brother into the village to have your brother of mind check him

From Create Your Own Story

You shake your head. "You don't look so good. Let's have you checked out."

Violelle nods. "Looks like you took a blow to the head, so your judgment of your condition can't be trusted."

Her brother isn't happy, but you and Violelle force him to accompany you. You take him to your brother of mind, introduce Violelle as your mate, and explain that her brother needs to be examined, as he suffered a head injury.

Your brother examines him, makes up a poultice, and gives him a sleeping-mixture to drink. "I'll leave the poultice on, and by tomorrow he should be good as new."

You thank your brother, and give Violelle a tour of the village before returning to your home.

After introducing her to your parents, you take her upstairs, where she indicates a desire to mate again.

Health Horny, mated to Violelle Equipment:


Experience Low
HP 100
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