Incubus: Have Kaerillian watch the young Rivellia

From Create Your Own Story

You set the birch switch out of sight and spread a sheet over the young man before crossing over to the door. Kaerillian is seated on the edge of the cargo hatch talking to a couple of the crew, but jumped up when you call him over.

"Yes, Captain, sir?" he asks as you step back and let him into the cabin. You watch his face pale as he takes in the sight of the ropes and blindfold.

"Keep an eye on him," you tell the boy. "Come get me the moment he starts to wake up. Can you use a needle and thread?" He looks startled by the question, but quickly nods. "Good, there's a basket of mending in the second closet on the right. You can work on that while you're in here."

"Aye aye, Captain," he says, casting a nervous glance toward the bed. You wait until he starts to walk away before reaching out and grabbing his arm.

"If you touch him, or let anyone else touch him, you will take his place. Understood?" He swallows hard and nods. Satisfied, you leave him alone and relieve Cole at the wheel. The hours pass, afternoon giving way to evening; evening, to night. With the pale green moon shining in a cloudless sky, you pace back and forth at the starboard rail, your hunger making you restless.

Leaving Cole to watch over your ship, you return to your cabin to find Kaerillian only half-finished with the mending. You watch him for a moment, his stitches neat and quick, and you grow suspicious. He should have been finished in less than an hour, and he's been in here almost five? What has he been doing?

You look over the Rivellia man first, but he hasn't been touched, and then the closet on the left side of the cabin catches your attention. The door isn't quite shut. He's either been snooping, or...

"Kaerillian, hold up your right hand," you say. He looks stricken and holds up his hand. "That's your left hand," you tell him, and he quickly holds up the other one. "You were right the first time," you say as you step over and pull him to his feet, "but that was just a lucky guess, wasn't it?"

"I- I'm sorry, Captain, sir," he says. "I got confused--"

"But that doesn't explain what you've been doing in here all this time," you say, shoving him toward the closet. "Were you playing with my toys?" you ask.

"No, Captain," he says, shaking his head. "I- I was just looking."

"Open the door," you tell him, taking a seat in your chair. "Bring me something."

"Ca- Captain, please..." he says, his facing losing its color.

"Either you choose or I will choose," you say. His hands shaking, he opens the closet door and searches through the shelves. "Quickly!" you bark and he grabs something off one of the lower shelves. "Now bring it here." He crosses the room and holds it out to you, a long, slender jade-colored phallus, barely as big around as your thumb.

"Good choice," you tell him. "This is one of my favorites." His face turns red as he stares down at the floor. "Drop your pants," you say, reaching onto one of your desk drawers for a jar of aloe and clover salve. It's great for chapped hands, minor cuts and scrapes, and it makes an excellent lubricant. You glance back at him and he hasn't moved.

"Kaerillian, when I give you an order, I expect to be obeyed. Defiance will only increase your punishment. Now drop your pants." He fumbles with his rope belt and you wait, the base of the rubbery jade cock beginning to throb in response to the heat of your hand. You set it down and open the jar of salve as Kaerillian's pants slide down to his ankles.

"About time," you say, reaching out and grabbing his arm. He makes a strangled sound as you pull him across your lap, his ass in the air and his hands clutching at the leg of the chair. You run one hand appreciatively over his pale, round ass and he shudders. You feel him tense as you spread his cheeks, using a single finger to spread the salve across his asshole. It warms and turns slippery, easing your passage into his body. As you push one finger into him, he whimpers and squirms, even though you're careful not to hurt him.

"This is what you get when you can't mind your own business," you say, picking up the green cock and rubbing the head against his entrance. "Your punishment is ten minutes with this thing inside you. Push it out before the time is up and we'll start over again. Understood?"

"Yes, Captain," he says, his voice small, breathless. He almost sounds relieved. Foolish boy. You slide the cock inside of him, his slippery asshole taking nearly half of it before he tightens up. "Relax," you tell him. "Just a little more." You ease most of it inside him and then stop, rubbing you hand up and down his ass, brushing the base of the phallus with your palm. "All right, the time starts now." You glance over at the ship's clock, marking the time. Only seconds pass before you hear him gasp, his breath catching in his throat.

"Some- something's happening," he says, his abs hardening against your thighs. "Captain, what's going on?"

"This little gem," you say, running your hand over his ass and brushing the base of the cock once more, "is made of a heat-reactive substance. The warmer it gets, the more it throbs, and inside of you is very warm indeed." He makes a small, helpless sound, his legs twitching, and you drink in his pleasure, his energy like a light, sweet wine. You slide your hand down between his legs and stroke his balls, and you can feel his hard teen cock rubbing against your leg through your pants as he writhes on your lap.

"Captain," he gasps, "please...How much longer?" You glance at the clock and smirk.

"It's only been two minutes, Kaerillian," you say and he makes a strangled sound, his hips bucking as he cums on your pants, the wet spot quickly cooling against your leg. "This can't be much of a punishment if you're enjoying it that much," you say, moving your hand back up to tease the end of the cock sticking out of him.

Do you...

Hunger Key: Sated - Awake - Restless - Hungry - Very Hungry - Starving - Critical
Demon Hungry
Location The Incubus: Captain's Cabin
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