Hot and Horny/Josh go locker rm after 2nd stall

From Create Your Own Story

You go to the locker room and dry off, throwing your towel on a pile of dirty ones, and start to get dressed. Your friend Will comes in from the showers and gives you a funny look as he sidles up to you.

“You found that hole huh?” he chuckles.

“What? How’d you know?”

“I could hear you moaning man…plus that’s been my favorite shower for weeks now,” he chortles. “Keep it to yourself though eh? We don’t want some prude to find out and have it fixed now.”

“Sure thing,” you say. That’s your favorite shower too now.

“Cool. And hey I’m having a party tonight, so you can come over if you want.”

You give him a thumbs up as you exit the locker room. Mom’s already waiting for you in the car and it’s a short drive home. You now have a few hours to waste until dinner.

You are:
Josh, age 18
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