He asks to take you home to his family (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

Aeron smiles wickedly. "How much extra would it cost for me to take you home?"

"Aren't you married?" you reply, still toying with his dick.

Aeron laughs. "That's the point. I want to show you to my wife. I want her to watch as I fuck you again."

You raise an eyebrow. This guy's clearly more than a little fucked up. Still, money's money, and you could use a little extra in your pocket.

You nod. "Okay, I'll meet your wife. House visits cost double usually, but my favorites get discounts. Let's say one-fifty. That sound good?"

Aeron nods. "Clean up a bit, then meet me at the door."

It takes a few minutes, but you wash up in your bathroom. You even apply a little eyeliner, just to look that touch more girly. As some final touches before you hit the road, you grab and put on some some frilly blue panties from your wardrobe, and put on a pair of girl's black pumps, the kind with the little straps across the foot. You then go meet your date by the door.

Aeron takes your hand in his. He then proceeds to walk you out the brothel. You press up against him as you walk, rubbing your head against his muscular arm. Once your out onto the night streets, you realise just how cold it is. Aeron's warm, though. You press up even more against him just for that. The few people on the streets don't seem to notice anything odd about you two. It could be that you truly appear like a girl, so you don't really look particularly out of place by his side.

It doesn't take very long to reach his house. Aeron lives in a very posh area, and his house is massive. He even has a fountain in his garden. You feel a little nervous as he takes you past the gates and up to his front door. You hide a little behind him as his free hand heavily knocks the door.

A girl your age answers. She's quite pretty. She has the same blonde hair as Aeron. She rolls her eyes as she sees you.

"Dad's brought home another slut!" she shouts back into the house.

Aeron laughs as she walks away. "That's Emmy. She's my eldest. Well, eldest daughter with my wife."

He walks you into his mansion of a house. You politely close the door behind the both of you, letting his hand go. You then suddenly find yourself grabbed and pulled away. Aeron takes you to the next room. He pushes you into the centre. A redheaded woman looks up at you from her seat on a very expensive sofa.

"Another whore?" she asks. "Go on then. Take her to our bedroom. Betray me again. I don't even care anymore."

Aeron comes into the room. He grabs your arms, forcing them behind your back. He forces you onto your knees. You can't help but smile. You know what comes next.

"We're not going anywhere," he says. "Neither are you. You're going to watch us."

His wife scowls at him, but he just flashes her a smile in reply.

What happens next?

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