Have the doctor perform the examination with Richard in the room

From Create Your Own Story

"This is highly unorthodox, as a professional I... what are you doing?"

You know what he's doing, Richard is pulling that puppy face at Dr Therim, the one where he makes his pupils dilate unnaturally large and pouts as hard as he can in an effort to look cute and pleading, and damn does it work.

"Stop that, you are making me uncomfortable, by physical restrictions your pupils shouldn't even be able to do that without the necessary stimuli, I... I... fine, have it your way"

Dr Therim frowns in annoyance as Richard turns to you with the biggest grin he's mustered yet. The doctor shoos him off the bed as he prepares the necessary tools for the examination.

"Alright, say ahh"

You open your mouth as Dr Therim shines a torch into your mouth, meanwhile, Richard is pulling faces at you from behind the doctor, intent on making you laugh.

"No visible damage to the oral cavity, tongue seems intact, good to know you didn't bite it off on impact"

Richard shoves his palm up against his nose as he sticks his tongue out and gives you the stink eye and you giggle in response, accidentally biting down on Dr Therim's thumb.

"Ouch, watch it"

He scowls at both you and Richard, especially Richard.

The majority of the examination goes along more smoothly, a few mishaps with Richard and medical equipment occur but otherwise nothing serious happens. With the knee jerk reflex done, Dr Therim writes up the results on his clip board and then blushes.

"Umm, please excuse me but for this last part of the examination, I'm going to have to look at any possible internal injuries and broken bones, which requires me to apply pressure to certain points on your body"

You look at the doctor, just as confused as you brother is.

"I'm sorry to ask that you are going to have to remove your hospital gown so i can have unrestricted access to these, 'points' on your body"

The doctor blushes even harder now, making the burnt umber of his scales even richer. he holds his clipboard meekly in front of him which belies his immense physical stature. seeing no point in refusing , you strip away the hospital gown, baring all to both your brother and the doctor, which makes both their eyes widen for a moment.

"Go ahead doctor"

you grin at Dr Therim to hide your nervousness, truth be told, it is scary being bare in front of him, but pussying out in front of your brother is a death wish, he would never let you live it down.

The doctor hesitates for a second before stepping forward and placing a trembling hand upon your chest, pressing firmly with his finger tips between your pecs. however, once contact is made and the barrier crossed, the doctor resumes his professional attitude.

"Is there any pain or discomfort?"

You shake your head. A few more steps of the same routine occur, the doctor presses against certain points upon your body and asks you the same question, a major boner killer which you are thankful for knowing that this much physical contact with someone hot generally gets you hot.

"Richard, do you mind giving me a hand?"

Richard looks dumbfounded at the doctor.

"This process is taking much longer than i anticipated, it would be very beneficial if you assisted"

"Oh, uh, alright then, what do I do?

Richard steps up towards your back, and directed by Dr Therim, begins pressing against points on your body. Oh dear, another set of hands is not making it any easier for you to keep cool, and to make matters worse, Dr Therim has been pressing closer and closer near your crotch and Richard is nearing your tail hole, it won't be long before...

"Oh, um, oh dear, I.. I.."

Dr Therim continues to stutter as he holds his fingers against the base of your hard cock. However, while the dragon hesitates, an insistent pressure on you anus makes you moan slightly, your brother moans gently in your ear with you.

"Sorry lil' bro, but touching you got me all worked up"

Richard nips at your neck as he continues to work a finger into your ass, while the poor doctor is caught like a deer in headlights, blushing intensely, Richard takes the lead however, grabbing Therim's hand and gripping it around your cock.

"C'mon doc, I know you want to, I've noticed how you looked at lil' bro's junk"

The doctor hesitates but eventually starts sliding his slickened hand up and down your shaft, eliciting a moan from both of you. It continues like this, Richard and the doctor getting into it and eventually stripping themselves to join you, and you must say, they both have really fine bodies. Richard then grabs the flustered doctor into a kiss, and they both furiously make out, and drag you into a three way kiss. Therim is the first to pull out for air, wheezing and smiling goofily.

"So, now what?"


Furry Status
Health 80 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Lion
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