Have Lily put you on the Wheel.

From Create Your Own Story

Lily tells you to stand in front of the Wheel. The man running the booth selling implements of torture hands you several leather straps. Lily tells you to hold your hands out above your head and spread your legs, then uses the leather straps to tie you to the spokes of the Wheel. A crowd gathers, smelling a new victim for their rage and sexual tension. Once you are secured to the Wheel, Lily asks the crowd if there's a strong man who can help spin the Wheel. A very big man emerges and grabs your arm, then spins the Wheel. As you start spinning, he grabs your arms and legs as they brush past him and pushes to force you to spin faster. You feel dizzy and disoriented. Lily hands the man what you at first think is a black stick - you're spinning so quickly that it's hard to see anything clearly. All you see are snippets of faces in the crowd smiling cruelly. As the spinning starts to slow down, you realize he's holding something like a police man's baton. Without warning, he draws back then rapidly brings the baton down across your stomach. It knocks the wind out of you. It stings. And the force hurts; you know it's going to leave a bruise.

People continue to use you until you die.


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