Grab the guy and jack him off

From Create Your Own Story

You jump to your feet, wobble a bit from having drunk so much, then charge at the guy. You grab his wrists and pull his hands away, exposing his erect cock.

“Hey, what…,” he starts.

“You jacked me off, so now I gotta jack you off,” you say.

You hope that came out coherently, but if it didn’t, your actions can speak for you. You wrap one arm around his waist to hold him tightly to you and pump his prick with your other hand. The crowd makes assorted noises and the guy reddens, but he doesn’t try to get away. The bartender tries to get to you, but the crowd blocks him. Everyone wants to see the show.

You gather the precum bubbling up from the guy's dickhead and slick up his shaft with it, then stroke him harder and faster. You tickle the sensitive underside of his pole with your fingernails and alternate stroking and squeezing the shaft. You can almost see his balls swelling up with sperm.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck…,” the guy mutters. “I’m gonna cum!”

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