Grab Jenna and Michelle and try to flag down some help

From Create Your Own Story

You grab at Jenna and Michelle's hands and run as fast as you can. "Let's find some help!" you hiss. The panicked cheerleaders nod and run with you.

You're in luck. As you round the corner, you see a parked police car with two burly cops in it. The three of you pound on the window, and a cop looks up.

"My friend is getting choked to death!" Jenna gasps. She gestures wildly in the direction you just came from. The cops jump out of the car and move as quickly as possible to the scene. The three of you follow along.

Kaylee's eyes are glazing over as the bully's grip on her throat is unrelenting. One of the cops reaches them and pries his hands away, while the other one sends a Taser shot into his body. The bully drops to the ground, writhing, and seems to come out of a haze. Kaylee has collapsed onto the sidewalk, and she's gasping for air. Bruise marks are already forming on her neck, and one of the cops takes some photos while the other one handcuffs the bully and begins marching him towards the car.

"I'm sorry," you hear the bully say. "My mind just snapped." All the swagger seems to have left him, as it dawns on him how close he came to choking Kaylee to death. His head drops and he meekly shuffles off.

"An ambulance is on the way," says one of the cops.

You, Jenna, and Michelle gather around Kaylee. "I'll... be... fine," she whispers.

Jenna looks at Michelle. "Should we...?"

Do you:

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Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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