Grab Daphne and force fuck her face

From Create Your Own Story

You grab Daphne and force her to her knees.

"What the fuck! Let go of me you creep!" she shouts at you.

You slip your cock into her mouth and she bites down as hard as she can. You scream in pain and hit her in the side of the face. She lets go of your cock.

"Fuck off idiot!" she shouts at you as you run off.

You quickly head to the hospital to get your dick fixed.

Maybe putting my dick in the mouth of a pissed off girl wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done.

You don't remember much of what happens at the hospital until after you wake up in a hospital bed. You immediately look to your crotch. Your penis is hidden beneath a thick layer of bandages.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your dick bandaged Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 2
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