Got to School

From Create Your Own Story

Since school is only a 5 minute walk away you decide to leave the car your mother bought you for your 17th birthday a few weeks back and walk there instead. As you reach the school gate you meet your best friend Amber.

Amber has short dyed-red, slicked-back hair which only accentuates her stunning features. She wears a black leather jacket, combat boots, a plaid skirt and fishnet stockings. Since you moved to this school 4 years ago you've been best friends as she was the only one that didn't make you feel an outcast. She's beat the shit out of a lot of little assholes who tried to pick on you and also helped picking up boys as you have helped her in picking up girls.

As you meet she gives you a big hug saying "hey babe." She then lights up two cigarettes giving one to you and asks "Remember that little prick Danny Williams, the 9th grader you said was givin' you shit calling you a queer freak?" "Yeah" you respond, "well someone caught him giving a blowjob to Todd the Swim Team Captain in Todd's car". With a look of genuine surprise and a tone of curiosity, all you can say back is "Really?". Amber continues, "Yeah really, I was thinking maybe we could dish out a little payback, I was thinkin' on ditching school, findin the little fuck, take him back to your place and seein' who the real queer freak is, what do you think?".

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