Go say hi to Kerri, the pretty nerdette who always watches quietly

From Create Your Own Story

You walk over to where the cute but shy Kerri Lipstein is sitting. "Hi, Kerri," you say softly.

Kerri blushes furiously. "Um... uh..." she stammers, clearly in shock that you've chosen to speak to her.

"I don't bite," you grin, gently wrapping an arm around Kerri's slight frame. When standing as tall as possible, Kerri's head comes maybe up to your chest. You scoop her up off the ground and hold her so that your faces are at the same height. "Unless you ask me nicely," you murmur, gently brushing your lips as lightly as possible against her cheek.

Kerri's entire body shudders. "Oh... my..." she manages to whisper. Then her eyes close and she loses consciousness. If you didn't have a good firm grip on her, she'd have dropped onto the ground. She must have the biggest crush ever on me if a kiss made her faint from excitement, you think.

You cradle her body against your chest, using a two-armed grip to make sure she's securely held, and carry her away. A couple of minutes later, her eyes open. "Hi, Thurston," she purrs. "Where are you taking me?"

That's a damn good question.

You are possessing:
Red-headed Football Player
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