Go left towards the gas station

From Create Your Own Story

Maybe they have a phone, or someone can tell me something... When you get to the gas station, you feel eyes on you. You notice the older man filling up his car staring at you, as well as the two younger boys hanging outside of the convenience store eyeing you up. You attempt to cover the 'Fresh Meat' on your dress, but squeezing your arms together just causes both of your breasts to pop out of the dress. The two boys start hollering, and a devilish grin spreads across the older man's face. You quickly place them back in the dress and head inside the store.

"Well what do we have here?" The man working behind the counter greets you with creepy eyes and a stained smile. "Oh, fresh meat... I hate when they do this to us..." He walks around the counter, not taking his eyes off of you for a second. "I guess I can wait until the ceremony tonight, but maybe I'll keep you here until then."

"W-what does that mean?" You finally manage to say, confused and terrified. He continues getting closer to you. Under all the dirt, smell, and the beer gut, he's not a terrible looking man, you find yourself thinking. But again, the smell is enough to really turn you off.

"Am I the first person you've spoken to?" He asks excitedly. "You really have no idea what's going on." The same devilish grin the older man had outside was now spreading across this man's face. "Well, sweetheart. Tell you what. Because I can't do anything to you yet, why don't you masturbate for me, and then I'll tell you what's going on."

Masturbate for the man


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