Go into your bedroom and call for Thumper

From Create Your Own Story

You walk into the bedroom and call for Thumper. His ears perk up but he doesn't move. You sit down on the foot of your bed and call him again. "Thumper, I'm sorry. C'mon come here." You plead sweetly. He trods over to you and gives your hand a lick. After some petting he stick his snout between your legs and takes a few tentative swipes. He whines as all the cum inside you is gone. You lay back and call him a good boy. He keeps going, and picks up more interest as you become more aroused and your pussy begins to soak his tongue with your juices. Your back arches as you cum.

Suddenly Thumper jumps up on top of you, his forelegs on either side of your head. You feel his cock hit it's mark and he starts fucking you like a jackhammer. There's no way you can thrust back or anything just hang on for the ride. His knot quickly battered it's way inside of you and is immediately stuck. You don't know how you've taken that much hot throbbing doggy dick, but somehow it all fit. The knob at the end is pressed hardly against your cervix, spraying thin dog cum.

You arch your back and Thumper leans down and starts to lick your face. You open your mouth and lick his tongue back when it flits across your mouth. He starts to focus there and you suck on the tongue of this beautiful doggy. Inside you begin to feel a strange flutter building and building. Then a white hot blinding orgasm as you feel yourself open and Thumper somehow slip even deeper inside. He begins thrusting, slowly not jackhammer. He's fucking directly into your womb. You thrust back and get the throbbing conical head of his cock deeper inside you than anything has ever been.

You pant like an animal yourself and thrust back harder and harder until the thin spurts of doggy jizz become torrents and ropes of thick cum. Your eyes roll back as you cum again and again. You continue the same feedback loop as with Azazel. Each one of you sets the other off again and again and again with a parade of orgasms until finally even this magnificent beast is spent.

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