Fuck Susie a bit more

From Create Your Own Story

You're weary from exertion but you grit your teeth and will your willie to harden once more. Not that this is hard, with Susie's having such a soft body with big tits and an easy smile.

You thrust into her with long measured strokes and let her push a nipple back into your mouth to nibble on when you hear a commotion in the hallway. Suddenly two nurses surround you and try to pull you off Susie's delectable nude body. You focus on your dick head banging against Susie's pussy walls and try to ignore the hands and arms that want to pry you off this warm willing body. Twice they nearly succeed and as you plop back into Susie's snatch you thrust your hips forward as far as you can to cum violently, shooting several wads deep in her belly before the nurses finally manage to pull you out. Your final spurt neatly splats into Susie's belly button.

Then a burly orderly arrives and tucks you firmly back into bed, while the nurses fuss with Susie.

"We're so sorry, Ms Richson. He wasn't supposed to be able to climb out of bed by his own..." "Does your leg feel okay, Ms Richson?" "Let me wipe you clean..." "Can we get you anything?"

But they only wipe her stomach and let cum dribble out her pussy. They give her new panties but they don't replace her shredded hospital robe. Her right tit peeks through. She's giving you an amused smile.

You suddenly feel dizzy and see a nurse hovering above you with a needle in her hand.

Health Horny, with your arms in casts Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 1
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