Find some way to use his emo hair to kill him.

From Create Your Own Story

You find him and his emo hair superbly annoying. You want to bring irony to his death by using it to kill him.

But how? You wonder. Even though the fringes of emos are bizarrely long, it's not enough to form a bind around his neck or anything. You almost find yourself silly just by thinking about then.

But then, you have thought of an idea.

"Hey you," you said to the Emo... but he ignores you flat out, making you want to kill him even quicker. "HEY YOU! MORON!"

You seem to have gotten his attention this time. He has stopped brushing his hair and slowly looks up at you. Not with anger, though, but with curiosity about your intentions.

But just when he lifts up his head just enough to make eye contact with you, all he see is you charging towards him, aiming for his emo hair. You pull it as hard as you can, and he screeches with a high pitched voice, like a rat in a slaughterhouse - not that you could hear him.

His agonizing expression only serves to thrill you even more. In your mind, he has every reason to die, since it's what all emos want, regardless. Nevertheless, you know it's only a matter of time before the guards show up and stop you.

You know there isn't much time. You could either try and pull with every last ounce of your strength (and hopefully have enough time to carry out your idea), or you could give up now and pretend that nothing has happened.

Status Bar
Health 95 Equipment:
Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Hermaphrodite
Social Group Criminal, Disabled, Punk
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