Duh, they're the police. Head down to the station right away.

From Create Your Own Story

You hurry down to the police station still wearing your "dress to impress" outfit for the interview. No time to change clothes, you need to get there before that creep Clark bribes the cops into incriminating you. Unless he already has...

Entering the station, you stop at the front desk to catch your breath. Running in a skirt or dress is no easy task, you are more used to running in athletic attires.

"You must be that young lady who called just now." The large, dark-skinned woman in uniform at the reception raised her eyebrows and looked you up and down. It seems she was the one who spoke with you on the phone.

You nodded . Just then, a tall, lean, middle-aged man in uniform emerged from a room behind her. He met your eyes with a steely blue gaze.

"This her, Officer Deblin?" He addressed the large woman in a deep, rough voice without shifting his eyes away from yours.

"Seems so, chief. Be easy with her though, she looks nervous." Deblin casually handed him a manila-colored folder. "Here's that file."

"Thanks, Deb." The chief took the file and pointed his chin at you. "What's your name, kiddo?"

"Um...Alexis, sir." You responded timidly.

"You don't have to call me sir, I'm not your boss." His leathery face remains stern and his voice remains rough, you couldn't tell if he had just cracked a joke. And then he tilted his head towards his office. "But I guess you'll do, come with me."

You have a pretty bad feeling about this, but you obeyed and followed him into his office anyways. Once inside, you realize there was another uniformed man and woman leaning against the wall with their arms crossed.

"Close the door and sit down." The chief instructed while handing the folder to the woman on his way to the chair behind a large desk. You did what you were told and sat opposite the chief, who picked up a coffee mug on his desk.

"This woman is Officer Marcia Houser. This other guy is Officer Quentin James." The chief nodded at his two underlings before taking a sip of his coffee. "Houser will explain the situation to you."

"This is an organization we are currently investigating." Houser, an officer with a long blonde ponytail and seemingly in her mid to late 20s, steps forward and hands you a flier from the folder. It reads: Now seeking aspiring female performers! Age 20-30. Call the number below to contact the Shady Avenue Theater Company! Audition now! You've never heard of the Shady Avenue Company.

"Never heard of them, right?" Houser seems to have read your mind. "We suspect this group is using the theater company as a false front for a human trafficking ring. They lure young women into their fake studio, kidnap them, and then sell them into prostitution."

"That's terrible." You gasped. "But what does that have to do with me?"

"We want to use you as bait." The chief interrupted. "Houser will go undercover, but we need a distraction so she can operate freely."

"No way!" You jumped up and objected. "I just escaped from one creep. Why would I volunteer to jump into a whole nest of these guys?"

"If anything goes wrong, Houser will get you out of there." The chief responded calmly. "And if you cooperate with us, we will protect you from any possible assault charges from that interview incident. If you refuse, we have no reason to protect you against any charges that might come against you."

Cooperate with their operation.

No way, you would rather go to jail.

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