Downfall/Have another drink R1 D2 T0 F0 A0 1B

From Create Your Own Story

"Ah, that hit a dry spot," Cate says.

"How long has it been for you?"

"Eighteen months. I could have started a month ago when I stopped breastfeeding, but I thought I'd make the cruise memorable."

"It's tough, I know."

"Yeah, how you did it three times I don't know."

"Everything for the kids."

"How ironic. We don't drink so they won't come to harm, and they undermine this by secretly drinking way too early to be 'cool'."

"How about we are pretending to be cool?"


You signal the barkeeper, a brunette woman with a prominent Golden Twenties haircut, that you want to order. She leans over the counter and presents you a bit of cleavage, just enough to keep a guy interested, but not to encourage him to do anything stupid.

"What's it gonna be, M'ladies?"

"We have two large ones," you say.

She smiles. "Are you ordering or boasting?"

Cate laughs. "Even if we put ours together, we wouldn't have two large ones." Her eyes twinkle with mischief.

"Two large drinks, then," the barkeeper says. "Whiskey?"

"Yes. Neat."

She turns around and pours Whiskey into glasses. From your table, Cate and you have a good view behind the bar, you can see every movement she makes. She leans over the counter and gives you your drinks. "Here you go."

"Thank you." You salute Cate. She does the same and downs her drink in one go. You follow suit.

"It's going to be a splendid evening," Cate says. "Have you seen the guys over there? They are looking."

"That's because nobody else is here."

"She is." She nods towards the barkeeper. "Aren't you interested in them?"

State of Clothing Blue Dress; Panties; Ballet Flats


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