Downfall/Go to the supermarket with her 03

From Create Your Own Story

The mall is incredibly full, but most of the people seem to be heading towards the electronics division. The groceries department is almost empty; Julianne and you manage to get everything you need in no time. The last thing on the shopping list are fresh vegetables and fruits. This supermarket has everything - from domestic vegetables to the most exotic fruits that unfortunately taste just like they smell. "Mom, what do we need?"

"Bananas; Corgettes; a cucumber, a bunch of carrots..." - you collect the things she announces - "and some oranges. At least something that isn't phallic-shaped, eh?"

"Uh, what?" You look up, just to see Julianne fondle some oranges, grinning at you. Man, your earlier behavior gave her a hall pass to mock you, and she takes advantage of that to the fullest. You have to come back at her, or she'll tease you 'til dawn (still better than scolding you, of course, but it gets old quickly). You look from the oranges to her chest, then back to the fruit display and say: "Aren't tangerines better suited, mom?"

Julianne stifles a laugh. "If that's what you want, tangerines it is." After cashing out, Julianne navigates to the first storage where the clothes shops, including her usual flag store, are located.

State of Clothing Shirt; Light Blue Jeans; Underpants


Surroundings Staying in Julianne's room
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