Downfall/Get caught in the moment

From Create Your Own Story

How lucky the radio keeps playing the right music. The next song is an instrumental, again with a quicker rhythm. You wind and wriggle to the music. Kirsten falls in line with you, rubbing her hands over your belly. Kirsten's hands wander higher until they push against the underside of your breasts. She keeps them there for moment, maybe to make sure Will doesn't miss the moment she moves them higher. She moves her hands up to the collarbones, then back down, never cupping your breasts, but definitely taking her time when moving her hands over them. It's weird at first to feel an unfamiliar pair of hands on your tits; the feeling is different from the way you touch them. Not in a bad way; no, in a good way. Her hands cause sensations that trickle right down towards your stomach, and they get stronger with every time. Then... the music fades, and it's time for another commercial break.

Kirsten takes her hands off you. "If that isn't a picture of a boy with blue balls, then nothing is. He was squinting all the time while trying to pull a straight face." And, quiet enough that only Will, but not your mum, can hear it: "Now is the time you'd put five bucks in her waistband."

Once again, you break out in laughter, and Kirsten joins in. Nothing can stop your laughing fit, not Will's guilt-ridden expression, not the Julianne's reprimands. Only your need to breathe air finally makes you regain composure. You sigh, relieved, and lean back to enjoy the ride. You close your eyes and don't open them until the cab arrives at the airport. Some time along the way, you hear Kirsten's voice. She breathes something into your ear you don't understand, and she refuses to repeat it.

State of Clothing T-shirt; Shorts; Panties


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