Downfall/Checking would be an invasion of her privacy

From Create Your Own Story

You cannot pry into your mum's cell. Her pictures are her private matter, and unless invited to, you are not going to look at the contents of her phone. You return her cell when Julianne comes back from the lavatory. Just then, the cell rings again. It's the airline. Your luggage has been found. Apparently, Airport security examined your luggage thoroughly for whatever bullshit reason. Angry, but relieved, you collect the luggage and make your way to the airport shuttle bus.

At this hour, the shuttle serves only every half hour. According to schedule, the bus is due in ten minutes. Correspondingly, a large crowd is waiting at the station. Luckily, the bus is on time. Getting dozens of people and their luggage inside is a Herculean task, but heroically, you manage to secure two seats in the back. Finally, you reach your hotel.

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