Ditch Charlotte for a while and sit next to Melvin

From Create Your Own Story

"Look, I've got to go for a minute." you say to Charlotte and rise from your seat. "Finish the story at school, okay?"

She nods at you, a bit inattentive as you take a seat next to Melvin in front of you.

Startled, he almost drops his eyeglasses when you say, "'Sup, geek?"

He looks at you with wide-open eyes, not even blinking. Then he replies,"What do you want?"

A good question. What would you want with him?

His pointy nose, greasy brown hair and scrawny frame doesn't exactly make him the most attractive guy. You think for a moment, then answer with:

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:


Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Druggie
Boyfriend/Girlfriend None
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