Decide to sit down beside the bear.

From Create Your Own Story

As you slide into the hot water beside the red haired bear, he shifts slightly. It's an unnecessary move, and he doesn't really go anywhere, but when you sit down beside him, you realize his arm is now slightly curled behind you, and his thumb is pressing against your shoulder.

You settle, leaning back in the hot bubbling water and enjoying the way it massages your body. Closer up, you glance a look at the bear and you meet his gaze. The bear smiles at you. His thumb moves just enough to brush against your shoulder.

"Feels good," he says. You're pretty sure he's not just talking about the hot tub.

"Yeah," you say. His thumb continues to press against you, sliding up and down the back of your shoulder.

Across from the two of you, the older stocky guy watches you both, the curl of a smile on his face.


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