Darklands/Character Sheet - Joana Rizzuto
From Create Your Own Story
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- Full Name: Joana Teresa Rizzuto
- Common Name: Joana
- Gender: Female
- Age: 16 years old
- Height: 5'5"
- Weight: 132 lbs.
- Breast size: 36EE
- Waist: 26"
- Hips: 38"
- Skin tone: Olive
- Hair: Black
- Eyes: Dark brown
- Background: Urban commoner
- Current occupation: Thief
- Languages spoken: Neapolitan
- Endurance: Average
- Strength: Above average
- Agility: Very high
- Perception: Very high
- Intelligence: Above average
- Charisma: Low
Special skills
- Artifice: Joana has been picking locks, dodging guards, avoiding traps and stealing since early childhood - the sky will fall before she gets caught.
- Stealth: Despite her voluptuous figure, Joana moves undetected past even the most alert watchmen with speed and effortless grace.
- Streetwise: Growing up in the city's roughest quarter means Simona can neither be easily intimidated nor surprised in the city streets.
Weapon proficiency
- Melee weapons: Edged & Impact weapons
- Missile weapons: Throwing knives
Joana was born in the imperial city of Teramo, on the Adriatic coast. She was raised in a single squalid room by her young mother, a prostitute, in a quarter of the city avoided by all respectable citizens. Her ancestors had been rural peasants for generations, until the Black Plague wiped out almost the entire family and the survivors fled the village for the walled city. Hunger drove Joana to start stealing from carts in the market by the age of four, and thanks to catlike reflexes and hawklike eyes, she quickly became one of the most accomplished thieves in the city, stealing from petty merchants, noblemen and bankers alike. Though completely illiterate and not imbued with a sophisticated sense of morality, she was fearful of God's wrath and swore she'd end her sinful lifestyle and repent, once she had stolen enough gold to move herself and her mother out of the slums. She even found relatively honest daytime employment. Everything changed when, two years ago, her mother caught the smallpox and within two weeks was dead. Instead of mourning, Joana vented her rage by slaying dozens of bandits who for years had terrorized the city's poor: some while they slept, some while they were balls-deep inside her, some while they sat defecating. Since her mother's death, Joana has been determined to stop at nothing short of one day taking the city's great fortress for herself, and her future children. She still possesses the peasant's pious fear of the Lord, but considers herself to be doing His will by stealing from the wealthy and fighting thugs and blackmailers. Joana's name is known throughout Teramo, loved by the poor and feared by bandits and rich merchants alike. The fear and respect she inspires allows her to walk the streets freely, especially as she is careful never to antagonize the city guards and has so far evaded the notice of political authorities and local nobility. Several assassination attempts have ended very badly for both the would-be killers and their employers.
Joana is in many ways a typical common girl, illiterate, uneducated, superstitious and ignorant of most matters beyond everyday survival and the domestic. Joana's faith in God and the Church is cast-iron, but her ignorance and life of sin mean she is unable to ask the Saints to intercede on her behalf. Simona regularly attends mass and confession in a crumbling, ancient chapel adjacent to her first home, with an elderly, sympathetic but slightly unorthodox priest. Despite her low background, Joana possesses keen wits which she directs to figuring out how to steal things of the greatest value with the least amount of effort. She moves the same way she did as a child, silently and as lightly as a feather. As Joana's body filled out, accompanied by strange feelings and urges, she learned the birds and bees from neighborhood boys and quickly realized that the more of her increasingly voluptuous body she revealed, the more men were driven to distraction, making the task of lightening their pockets much easier.
Joana is happy, ditzy and mildly slutty around acquaintances, and allows her passion and feelings to guide her decisions. She obeys the fiery passion that burns inside her heart and the one in her loins, too. Years of experience, however, have made Joana a calm and calculating thief. Joana is still technically a virgin, as the sensations she feels while having her backdoor filled are enough to satisfy her. In romantic (and sexual) matters her physical assets more than make up for her clumsy speech and lack of personal charm and refinement, which present the greatest obstacle to her advancement in life through honest means.
Joana has the typical appearance of a southern peasant girl: darkly tanned with a dangerously pretty face and thick, wavy black hair, and despite her short stature a very womanly figure, curvy in all the right places. Joana's upper body is dominated by round, soft, jiggling tits the size of ripe melons, topped with puffy dark-pink nipples that strain against her tight shirts, drawing all eyes to them. Thanks to years of running and climbing, as well as good genes, Joana's round, juicy butt sticks out even further than her enormous breasts, and is firm enough to bounce a coin on. Her expansive ass is complimented by her long, smooth, muscular legs and plump, juicy thighs. Joana's fat, fleshy pussy lips make a prominent bulge in her thong, though like all poor girls a bush of black hair covers her pubic triangle.
Joana prefers to walk the streets in mid-calf plated leather boots, elbow-length studded leather greaves, a maroon crop top that bares her belly and shows more of her lightly bouncing EE-cup boobs than it hides, a white thong and flexible black leather skirt, trimmed with red, open at the sides and coming down to just below her pussy and ass, showing off her tanned flanks and the swell of her huge, round buttocks. Her boobs bounce and swing uncomfortably and occasionally pop out when she runs, but to her the effect her clothing has on men and even women is worth any associated impracticality. With the natural sway of her round hips and 20-inch falchion swinging from side to side as she walks, she is by far the city's sexiest and most dangerous girl.
She wears a military hammer in a sheath across her mostly bare back, and four throwing knives rest in a pouch behind her right buttock, hidden by her skirt.