D&D: HFW: Concentrate and remember what was in the book

From Create Your Own Story

The intelligence required for wizardry, also gives you a superb memory, you close your eyes and concentrate casting your mind back to the book you remember reading. Slowly the details drift into your mind, there was a map on the page, and on the map a secret room was marked. The door should be just down there you recall.

Opening your eyes you walk quietly to the location you remember, once there you wrap your cloak around the pendant of you necklace and then twist it open. A heatless flame spills forth, its light reduced by the cloak, adjusting your cloak until you have just enough light to read by, you take your spell book from your satchel. Flicking quickly to a seldom used page you cast the Detect Secret Door spell.

The spell only lasts for minutes, which is why it is difficult to use, but knowing the general area of the makes it very useful. You were slightly off with you location, but you find the secret door quickly enough that you are able to continue concentrating and discover the opening mechanism. Having found the secret door and the places to touch to open it, you get ready for whatever might be on the other side, putting your book back in your satchel and closing up your torch flame necklace.

Taking a deep breath in the darkened corridor you work the opening mechanism, then push thought the door trying to slip quickly and quietly into the room. The door, unused for years, moves with great difficulty grinding noisily and then jamming. With your rather ordinary strength is takes many painfully long seconds of straining at the door before finally gives, opening just enough to allow you to slip into the brightly room. You think you hear quite curses from a female voice and a splash. After the dimly lit corridor you find yourself blinded for several seconds while your eyes adjust.

Then you eyes clear and you find yourself in a brightly lit alcove, opening out on to a large room. The large room has bookshelves, many magical experimentation work spaces and a couple of closets around the outside edge, a large 4 poster bed against the wall opposite the alcove, a couches by a large fur rug and build into the middle of the room a large Jacuzzi with steam rising off the water. The alcove has some coats hanging up and 4 doors, the secret one you came though, two heavy barred door which look safe and an open door near you. Stepping quickly sideways you glace in the open door, it is an empty toilet. There is no sign of anyone here, but someone could be hidden in the larger room.

D & D: FHW: You close the secret door then search

D & D: FHW: Leaving the secret door open, you search

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