Cause hell your last night and go on a rampage

From Create Your Own Story

You then throw your championship at Jerry Lawler And Michael Cole hitting Jerry in his head making him fall over in his chair pulling Michael with him onto the floor as the crowd gasps. You look at the crowd with a disgusted look on your face as you see Christain staring to get up and you then punt him right in his skull as you slide out the ring and walk over to the table Jerry and and Michael are at and you hit Michael in the face and pull him onto the table. You get onto the table and pick him up both of you standing on the table. You then RKO him onto the table making it collapse. Then you stand up, and Christain comes and tackles you and hitting you in your face rapidly. You then reverse one of his punches and flip him off you and you get a chair and bash it into his head until it fell apart. You then walk out of the arena the crowd booing you while you head backstage and you telling them to shut up! You go backstage the camera guys following you closely as he first person you see Kofi Kingston walks around the corner you were on and you RKOed him. Then you grab a chair and opens John Cena's locker room door and you smash a chair on his head. Then while he's on the floor you punt him in the head then you push the camera out from the camera man's hands and the camera gose to staid and you leave the WWE arena.

Go with Hulk Hogan to the hotel the TNA roster is at

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