CYS: It sounds like him, and I trust him

From Create Your Own Story

Well you don't know why or how he got here, but it sounds like him. You approach the door, and steel your nerves before opening it up. The large man steps inside your room, allowing the light to reveal his face. He towers over you, with the same grin that is always on his face. Black shaggy hair, and tan skin and dark green eyes, he looks more like a teen who was caught stealing from his siblings than the guy who broke into your house. You are filled with relief, which is replaced with curiosity and confusion, and then replaced with anger "why the hell are you in my house?!" Fred simply points outside the window toward the mountains. He looks back to you "That's what happened. Shit hit the fan back in the city, and from what I hear, its coming over here. Say, what about that gun?" You glare at him, but then head back into the hallway. You pull the attic door and ladder from the ceiling, Fred looks up into the attic, before tossing you a flashlight. You head up into the attic, where there isn't much except holiday ornaments and your granddads old box full of his WW2 stuff. Next to that, however, is your gun. A semi automatic rifle, a SKS, which you bought in case of emergencies, and you consider this a fucking emergency. You sling it over your shoulder, and pocket the ammo. As you head back down, you see Fred packing clothes and other items into a backpack. He looks at you, grins, and returns to packing. You are now more than a little curious about what is going on, so you ask Fred " Dude, whats going on, why did you come here? What happened in the city?" Fred just keeps packing, speaking over his shoulder " I'll tell you later, for now we have to get ready" This is not the answer you wanted, and right now you are starting to panic " Fred, seriously, what the Fuck is going on?" Fred sighs and looks you in the eye, his grin gone now " I would tell you, but we don't have time right now. So please, just go downstairs and get some food"

CYS: Press him for answers

CYS: comply and get some food

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