Ask the bear if he wants to take this to your private room.

From Create Your Own Story

"Fuck yeah," he says, and climbs out of the tub. You watch him, his stocky body rising out of the water, covered in hair made darker by the water of the hot-tub. He's a big guy, stocky, with just enough of a beer gut to make him a bear, and a thick cock that's standing rock hard in front of him. He grabs his towel, and watches you as you get out of the water, his eyes fixed on your ass.

"Room seven," you say.

He doesn't bother wrapping his towel around his waist, and you follow him just as naked. Outside, you hear some pretty high-pitched yelping sounds coming from door number four, which is still open. You manage to glance in, and see that the massive man is fucking someone, his hairy ass pounding between to raised lean legs. Whoever is getting fucked - you figure it's the lean blond - is obviously struggling to handle the man's cock, from the sounds of the yelps.

You move on, all the more aroused, and lead the naked dripping bear to your room, which you unlock quickly. The two of you move in, and the bear closes the door behind him, then grabbing you by your ass and crushing you against him, his rough fingers rubbing into your hole. You moan into his mouth, and his hairy wet body presses against you.

He breaks the kiss, his fingers pushing into your ass, and says, "you want my bearcock, don't you?"

"Yes," you say, and he walks you backwards to the cot, pushing you onto it on your back, and then taking one of the bottles from the table and squirting some of the lube onto his thick hard dick. He reaches between your legs, pulling your thighs apart, and squirts the rest of the bottle at your ass, rubbing his rough fingers up and down your hole. You reach down and take your legs in your hands, spreading yourself wide for him. He climbs onto the cot, pushing his dick at your hole, and putting his arms on either side of your head.

He shoves his cock into you, his hairy stomach slapping against your balls and cock, and grunts. You release your legs, looping them around the small of his back, and rub your hands through the thick hair on his wide chest. He grunts, and starts to fuck you in earnest, ramming into you so hard the cot scrapes against the floor. The full weight of the bear slams into your ass, and you roll your head back, scratching your hands across his hairy chest, and let out a long moan of pleasure. His cock rubs you just right inside, with angry thrusts that soon drive you over the edge. Your cock erupts between his hairy stomach and your own, and a few thrusts later, the bear's cock spasms deep in your ass and you feel his hot seed spill into you.

"Fuck," the bear says, staying buried inside you for a moment, catching his breath. Then he pulls out of you, his cock slick with cum and lube, and stands up off the cot.

"Thanks, boy," he says, and takes his towel. He opens the door and leaves. You lie there a moment, catching your breath, a satisfied smile on your face. You've never been somewhere where sex was so cheap and nasty before, and you like it.

There's still time, you think, rising. You rub the worst of the cum off your body with the towel, and step out into the hallway again, closing the door.


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