Ask how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck

From Create Your Own Story

You calmy approach the gentlemen and inquire as to the exact amount of wood a woodchuck could chucketh if indeed a woodchuck could chuck wood.They stare at you with blank, expressionless faces, trying to figure out exactly what the fuck you're talking about. Their eyes take on a dead, listless glaze, and they just continue stare at you, open mouthed with a litle bit of drool escaping from the corners of their mouths. You wait for their vast intellect to bringeth forth an answer to your theoretical dillema but none seems forthcoming. Eventually one of them wipes the drool off his chin and shouts to his friend, "Fukkit man, let's just kill this nigger lover." In a monstrous rage over not being able to answer your question, they rip your throat out and sodomize your corpse.


Status Bar
Health 0 Equipment:

Weed, iPod,

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Hippie
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