Ask Hobbes which direction you should go

From Create Your Own Story

" Yeh don' seem like such a bad person, dreamer, so I'll gives yah a hint." Hobbes gives a strange sort of ugly smile.

" If yah go North long enough, yeh'll hit a desert. Not a friendly setting t'be sure, but there're legends of great treasure and a fortress sits there. If yeh prefer water, 'tis a beach to the East with its own castle as well. Yeh'd have to watch out fer pirates though. Otherwise, yeh can go West, t'where I was goin to get work, the castle in the Mountain. 'Tis a nice place, So I'd go that way, but fer much different reasons than yourself."

Hobbes' twisting smile fades away. "Or yeh can go South to the Wastelands, though I cannae imagine why yeh'd ever even think of it."

You thank Hobbes for his help and he nods in response, apparently a little tired now from talking. He yawns and closes his eyes.

You look around the quiet field from where you stand and wonder where you should go next.

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