Approach Jessica while the teacher is busy

From Create Your Own Story

You and Jessica have spent many music lessons fiddling with each other. Playing a cello really helps, as it means you can get a hand onto her croth without people seeing.

You get your hand into the usual position, and Jessica spreads a little to accomodate your finger.

She is so shocked that she almost drops her instrument, when she feels somthing else down there. It turns out to be the handle of your knife, but she doesn't find that out for days. You say, and she feels that it is a beautifully rounded dildo, made especially for her juicy pussy.

Jessica manages to compose herself enough to avoid detection, and then the best bit starts happening. The teacher begins a really hardcore piece, where students join in, and the overall volume keeps getting to concert levels.

With well timed finger-flicking, you see Jessica screaming during those "deaf" moments, even though no one can hear her over the din.

Her orgasm lasts a good ten seconds, and luckily the music carries on for another minute until she has her breath back a little.

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